Estimate Your Email Value
Use this tool to estimate how much SigParser will find in your mailboxes.
We estimate SigParser will find...
Contacts On Day 1
Assuming SigParser processes the last months of history it will find contacts in your mailboxes.
- Phone Numbers:
- Titles:
- Locations:
New Contacts Per Month
Then each month SigParser should discover new contacts per month in your mailboxes.
- Phone Numbers:
- Titles:
- Locations:
$ Saved On Manual Data Entry Per Month
SigParser would only cost $ per month. You'd save $ over having your team manually enter contacts each month. This assumes it takes minutes for a human to compare what's already in the CRM to what's in the email, make a judgement and then record the best data on every email that arrives. No human does this though because it's too hard. So without SigParser the data never gets added to your CRM.
to Contacts Added To Your CRM Per Month
SigParser will likely add a lot of contacts to your CRM system. The range of contacts depends on the rules you configure for what to sync. For contacts already in your CRM SigParser will update those contacts where phone numbers or titles were missing.
$ to $ Per Contact Added/Update in CRM
If you take the $ you'd be paying each month for SigParser and divide that by how many contacts SigParser added or updated in your CRM you'd see how much each contact was costing you.
Apply For A Free Preview
We offer a free pilot project for any customer. You'll connect your email accounts to SigParser. SigParser will scan your email for contacts and then show you the value you'd get from SigParser.